Monday, December 22, 2014

The Demon that Fell in Love

They say that Love is a fairy tale that is tasted by all
Well I shall tell you a story that created a great fall
It was many years ago during the times of great strife and war
Times where men and women became legends of great lore

It began with a mere orphan with no family
A young general was passing by with his horse and cavalry
The boy was crying on the sides of the street
The general halted his men, came down and offered him a sweet

The boy peered up at him through his teary eyes
The general gave the boy a charming smile as he was in total surprise
The orphan hugged him dearly as he found his new-found Father
The boy was never before given such a great Honour

Many years passed by until the boy grew of age when a curse was given
The night of every new moon, a demon he would transition
The curse can only be broken
When his heart's desire for Love will be awoken

As the boy grew into a man, he became wiser, stronger, but also more lethal
The people in the kingdom became more fearful
And so he was chained every night of the new moon
That chamber would be named the "Demon's Cocoon"

The young man was soon enlisted in the cavalry by his Father's side
"The Demonic Duo" together they were codified
They were an unstoppable force
But their force would very soon divorce

The young man fell in battle when he was struck with a piercing pole
He felt his body separate from his soul
The life force within the man left him for dead
It seemed as if it no longer desired life and so it fled

He opened his eyes thinking he had passed from the world
However a maiden's voice he heard
She came closer to him giving him a glowing grin
His life force returned due to this angelic jinn

Her jet black hair flowing down gracefully
Her bangs tease him by caressing him gently
Her scent was of midsummer night's rain
Her radiance captured his Heart with Love's reign

He suddenly felt lighter, happier and joyful
His Heart to Hers will forever be loyal
The demonic curse was now broken
For his Heart's desire for Love has been awoken

He soon learned that she also was a fierce fighter and rider
They spent many special days and nights together
Their love for each other grew fonder
And so, he decided to introduce her to his beloved Father

They rode over to his Father's kingdom
The Father was glad to see him well and no longer fearsome
However, when the love-struck son introduced his Love to him
The father's smile turned into a grim

He ordered his guards to chain his son's Love to the Demon's Cocoon
He became baffled by this event causing such a typhoon
His father explained to the son that his Love was the Kingdom's Hate
She was known to be the Enemy of the State

The son headed to the Demon's Cocoon to confront this voracious verity
He saw his Love chained as he once was during his years of insanity
Her radiance no longer felt in the forsaken chamber
The chained, dull spirit quickly gave him a reminder

"Why have you forsaken me?" her voice creaked
She looked up at her Lover with her weary eyes, his soul, she seeked
He slowly approached her with soft strides
He began caressing her fatigued face, just as she did during his wounded nights

Suddenly, a piercing pole impaled her heart
His heart was equally pierced as he witnessed his Love depart
Enraged, he saw his father put on his charming smile of betrayal
"Your love for her is an act purely disgraceful!"

As the new moon peered over the night sky
His curse returned and so did the Demon that was known to terrify
Out from the Demon's Cocoon
He launched his bloody vengeance, colouring the moon maroon

They say that whenever the Moon turns the colour of bloody crimson
The spirit of the Demon Lover has risen
He will be after a couple's soul
It is said it is the only way where he will feel satisfied and whole

Anyways, the night of the new moon is here
We must depart now, my dear
I must now retire for my chamber
Where I must shackle myself to avoid being a danger...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Man of Sorrows

It was a cold and rainy night
Deep inside myself I knew it wasn't right
I was falling for a woman who was forbidden for me
I already had a love who had my heart's key

The night's storm was becoming tempestuous
And I was becoming more and more restless
From our little chats I was closing in on my betrayal
And so I committed the deed that was most disgraceful

As the God-forsaken gale was reaching its peak
My mind's discipline and restraint was becoming weak
My innocent soul screaming out the poisons of the evil deed
But my physical body caved in and did not succeed.

The squall began to end
My mind began to resent
My soul began to weep
And my body wanted to forever sleep

A time of weakness
Can cause a man to feel so much wretchedness

Just as a woman owns emotions
A man gives them equal devotions

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Life of a Zen Warrior

Lying in life's misery
Attempting to heal his emotions' injury
Life enjoys to play a game full of trickery
Enjoying life is a statement so contradictory

Licking the warrior's wounds
Humming to the fighter's tunes
Counting the lonely nights spent with the many moons
Building a fortitude of emotional cocoons

But the zen of the warrior never dies
He continues to fight and pain he defies
Failure after failure, he always tries
The undying spirit is what he relies

In constant calm and utter peace
Unruly emotions is what he attempts to decrease
Discipline is what he aims to increase
Anger and fury he will never please

Life can be a treacherous journey
Life can be a constant worry

Hardships are faced before glory
Just as heaven is presented after purgatory

Friday, November 28, 2014

It Seemed Just Like Yesterday

It seemed just like yesterday
When my Love blossomed as my Life's radiant ray
She came and entered my heart
But deep inside, I knew she would soon depart

It seemed just like yesterday
When I began to notice my Love begin to stray
My Love slowly started to become a Love
Little did I know that My Love was going to become His Love

It seemed just like yesterday
When she came to tell me she will now betray
I am now empty and lost
My heart now turned to frost

It is now today
My heart now is a matter full of decay
Forever broken and empty
I am looked upon as the epitome of pity

Love can be a curse
I do not think I can go through an emotion any worse

Be careful where you place your fragile heart
For it may be pierced by betrayal's poison dart

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bright Light, Bright Spirit

Why, oh why, do we allow the hatred have us dispersed?
Why, oh why, do we allow ourselves to be cursed?
Why, oh why, do we allow ourselves to be defeated?
Why, oh why, do we allow the Devil to have us cheated?

Fueling our anger brings us closer to our destruction
Fueling our hatred brings us closer to our nation's reduction
Fueling our pride brings us closer to our failures
Fueling our own demons brings them closer to be our slayers

Rid yourselves of your anger to bring you closer to salvation
Rid yourselves of your hatred to bring you closer to elevation
Rid yourselves of your pride to bring you closer to your reward
Rid yourselves of your demons to bring you closer to your Lord

Be the bright light in a dark room
Be the beautiful rose that comes out to bloom
Be the heat that cold souls desire
Be the person that would make the spirits of others rise higher

Anger only brings about more anger
Fire will only bring about more fire

Be not the rage to fuel war
Be the spirit that will make the world soar

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heavenly Maiden

I walk along the lonely woods where the cold air causes a drift
As I pass the shrubs, a howling wind causes the bare trees to shift
As I pass the bare trees, the dense canopy becomes darker
As I pass the dense canopy, the lost trails become harder

Deep within the lost trails, I am weak and afraid
I go down on my knees as I feel I have strayed
Out of the darkness appears my golden aid
A golden raven appears at the corner of a shade

It flutters a few paces down the trail
As I follow it, a new path unveils
Its radiance shines across the woods
As if separating the evil from the good

I continue to follow the radiance of the raven
As I discover an enlightened haven
A glowing maiden appears brushing her radiating hair
Her beauty radiating and pure that I could not help but stare

The maiden's presence saves my soul
Where it once was deep in Hell's hole

My spirit is now free to roam
Deep in her soul is now my home

Saturday, September 27, 2014

War and Death

Dum, dum, dum goes the battle drums
Thump, thump, thump goes the soldiers' runs
Clank, clank, clank goes the armour clash
Swish, swish, swish goes the blade's slash

War has been upon the forces of good versus evil
War is our organized action most primeval
War brings about glorious victory and pride
War brings about shameful death and divide

Wah, wah, wah goes the children cries
Sigh, sigh, sigh goes the widows' whys
Shuck, shuck, shuck goes the graveyard's shoveled earth
Silence is now what the dead bodies are now worth

War always leads to death and misery
Everyone always ends up teary and weary

Love to love one another
In the end, we all are sisters and brothers to each other

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Broken Dreams

I see her in my dreams
I see her afloat in the lake as her beauty gleams
She's all that's on my mind
She's all that I wanted to find

As I walk towards her radiance
As I squint my eyes due to her brilliance
She calls my name, catching my attention
She smiles at me, hooking me into a spiritual ascension

But the light around her begins to dim
But the life around me begins to look grim
I begin to lose my calmness
I begin to doubt life's promise

Everything changes in a flash, hitting me like a thunderbolt
Everything in my life and dreams is gone in a revolt
I begin to wonder the meaning of this animous change
I begin to wonder the meaning of this life being so strange

We are not promised anything in life
But we are promised some happiness and some strife

Make the best out of broken dreams
For when a ravine is blocked, there are always little streams

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Battle Tonight

Tonight is the night
Tonight we shall fight
Conquer our fears and fright
Extinguish darkness and bring out the light

A long battle it shall be
But after this, we shall be free
Seeing our brothers and sisters cry with glee
Joyful, for freedom they can see

Prepare to mourn for the fallen
For God came to their callin'
Bravely fighting, never letting their spirits be stolen
Remember all, remember the befallen

A battle can be fought from outside or within
A battle from outside is only against your own kin
A battle from within is the act of cleansing your sin
You tell me which is more worthy of the win

Tonight is the night
Tonight we shall fight

Choose your battles wisely
For their are consequences to be unwisely

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

You will be missed...

When you feel you're broken inside
When all you want to say to the world is goodnight
When you're ready to give up and cave in
When you've got your shoulders heavy with the world's sin

When all you want is a shoulder to lean on and cry
When all you want is to spread your wings and fly
When you've really had enough that you want to quit
When you've reached to the point where suicide is what you want to commit

Just know that you are a beautiful soul deep inside
That it is okay to cry and to have cried
There really is no shame in saying I am tired and weak
Just remember that the future is never too bleak

Just know that you don't have to go through it all alone
That you don't have to create a wall and stay in your zone
There are others that you can share your pain with
Just remember that God created a special you and will never consider you as filth

So my dear friends, here amongst us or up in the Heavens looking down on us
Before making a fatal decision remember that there is always the option to discuss

Life is not a game and not a tool to play
Don't make the rest of us miss you dearly for your life is too precious to throw away

Monday, August 11, 2014

Betrayal of Love

Love is deeper than the seven seas.
Love makes me kneel down on my knees.
Love is deeper than the mind's intellect.
Love makes me feel a human most appropriate.

The heart has a voice that only lovers can hear.
The heart has love which houses no fear.
The heart is where love creates its abode.
The heart uses love as its secret code.

I have tasted love once.
It created such a beautiful nuance.
Mesmerized by its beauty and colour.
She captured my heart while I stared at her.

But love has its dear consequence.
I would have not loved if I was not full of ignorance.
For love tore me apart and shred my heart to pieces.
It continued and continued until it attained its wishes.

Now it left me with a broken heart.
That very broken heart, pierced with love's poison dart.
Now love, I will never again.
For the heart it needs to reside in, will never mend.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Oh My Love...

Oh my Love, the day I set my eyes on you, my heart skipped a beat.
I never knew my heart was so sensitive to accomplish such a feat.
I always thought that I would never be swayed by a woman's touch.
Yet I was proved wrong and now I see myself missing you very much.

Oh my Love, the day I asked you to spend some time together.
I still remember you looked radiant even when you were feeling under the weather.
We were sitting side by side watching the shining sun set.
I still envision the magical kiss when both our lips met.

Oh my Love, the day I asked for your hand in marriage.
You accepted and off we went in our carriage.
Blissful days I prepared to look forward to in our lives.
Days where together, we'd be dancing to joyous jives.

But fate played a cruel trick on my life.
And it stabbed my heart with a poisonous knife.
For one day you were next to me laughing and smiling.
And the next, you were gone, leaving me alone, dying.

My heart weeps for you day by day.
I wish for you to come back to stay.
You left my heart broken and torn to pieces
I pray to God, so my life ceases.

Oh my Love, the love that I once knew
Please come back to me, for I miss you.

Mind Battles Spirit

As I peer into your forest green eyes
I catch a glimpse of your soul which is under a disguise
My spirit's heart skips a beat
To which it feels it must retreat.

But, nay there is an attractive force
To which my spirit wishes to seek the source
And thus a battle ensues
To which the mind and the spirit devise their own ruse

The mind errs the side of safety
To which the spirit resolves to adversity
The mind doesn't want to play dangerously
While the spirit wants to play recklessly

But ever since I peered into your secretive soul
I've been haunted by love's ghastly ghoul
As to which the mind's relentless tactics succumbs
And so the spirit's promising ways triumphs

Instead of a secretive soul, I now see a serene soul
And so to win your heart and soul will be my life's ultimate goal

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Beast

The Beast inside me rages on and on
It tries to enrage me and use me as His pawn
Enticing me with His false promises
Using rage and revenge as His basis

During the day, thoughts of oppression crosses my mind
Trying to tear me apart and to cross the Line
Thoughts constantly racing, never-ending battle
Thoughts dangerous and truly fatal

During the night, the Angel of Death awaits
Tempting me with dreams, using them as bait
The Demon of Torture ignores my plea
As He constantly torments me to the point I wish to flee

As I Waken, my Reality becomes Virtuality
As I Look, my World becomes an Insanity
As I Speak, my Words decrease in Rationality
As I Think, my Thoughts are not in tune with my Mentality
As I Breathe, the Air around me decreases in Spirituality

The Beast wins for today
But tomorrow is another day

Friday, August 1, 2014


As I walk down this cold, lonely road
I tighten the grip around my old, winter coat.

The bitter wind and the frosty snow pummel me with their might
I briskly walk through the storm escaping in quick flight.

Out of the foggy and blurry view
I see a shape of an abode peering at me as a clue.

As I approach this mystery of a home
I begin to sense that I am not alone.

As I rap on the front door three times to announce my presence,
I smell the aroma of a sweet and burning essence.

The smell becomes so overpowering that I see a nymph in front of Me.
The Light of the nymph excites my eyes, giving me emotions of eternal Glee
As she utters words in an unknown, yet mesmerizing language, I drop to my Knees
She approaches me slowly as she brushes my cheeks with her delicate fingers, giving me her heart's Key
She moves in and locks my heart with hers with the Kiss, as He and She become We.

We become enveloped in a vortex of Love.
Our ordinary bodies converge into a heavenly Dove.

Flying up into the Garden of Bliss
Forever...with the union of the Kiss

Monday, July 28, 2014

Oh, My Beloved!

Oh, my Beloved!  I once thought that I had you
I assumed we'd be together and I was sure I knew
I sought to see the day that you would say "I Love You"
Oh, my Beloved!  I was foolish since I had no clue.

Oh, my Enchantress!  You had put a curse on me
Days would go by and I would always be happy
Nights would pass and the thought of you would never flee
Oh, my Enchantress!  You had cast a spell to fill me with glee

Oh, my Heart-Breaker!  You tore my fragile Heart to portions
I gave you my precious emotions but you blew them into infinite proportions
I handed you all my Love, but you turned it into a distortion
Oh, my Heart-Breaker! You made me resort to caution

Now you made me realize what Love is.
But I'm glad I did not receive that Death Kiss.

What has happened, let it be.
Because God has released me, to be free.

Love in the Desert

As I lay on the desert sand dune
I stare at the Beauty of the Moon
Her Heavenly and Magnificent shape deters me
She leaves me with a sense of Everlasting glee

But as I peer closer to Her eyes
I notice that they were simply a disguise
For I see the shape of Yourself much clearer
Brushing Your lovely hair in the mirror

My grin becomes wider, for Your beauty is One
Looking at you, the Moon's beauty is None
I wish for You to lay beside Me
So we will be together, far and free

My Dear, I wish for us to walk the desert sands
Together, intertwining our hands
Just like the Vine growing with Her fence
Their love, growing intense

My Dear, the Moon and the Vine may be Beautiful
But You, My Love, are much more Desirable

Forever Love

As I look into your twinkling eyes
My entire spirit rises
I always wonder if I am meant for you
I pray to God for a cue

As you tousle your flowing hair
My body's aura feels light like fresh air
I feel as if I'm receiving a hint
That you are my wood and I am your flint

As I approach to caress your glowing face
I sense as though your skin is made of exquisite lace
I begin to receive a chill throughout my sensitized skin
A sensation that tells me, my life will never dim

And for the final touch, our lips enjoin one another
Embracing each other...together...forever...