Monday, July 28, 2014

Love in the Desert

As I lay on the desert sand dune
I stare at the Beauty of the Moon
Her Heavenly and Magnificent shape deters me
She leaves me with a sense of Everlasting glee

But as I peer closer to Her eyes
I notice that they were simply a disguise
For I see the shape of Yourself much clearer
Brushing Your lovely hair in the mirror

My grin becomes wider, for Your beauty is One
Looking at you, the Moon's beauty is None
I wish for You to lay beside Me
So we will be together, far and free

My Dear, I wish for us to walk the desert sands
Together, intertwining our hands
Just like the Vine growing with Her fence
Their love, growing intense

My Dear, the Moon and the Vine may be Beautiful
But You, My Love, are much more Desirable

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