Monday, July 28, 2014

Oh, My Beloved!

Oh, my Beloved!  I once thought that I had you
I assumed we'd be together and I was sure I knew
I sought to see the day that you would say "I Love You"
Oh, my Beloved!  I was foolish since I had no clue.

Oh, my Enchantress!  You had put a curse on me
Days would go by and I would always be happy
Nights would pass and the thought of you would never flee
Oh, my Enchantress!  You had cast a spell to fill me with glee

Oh, my Heart-Breaker!  You tore my fragile Heart to portions
I gave you my precious emotions but you blew them into infinite proportions
I handed you all my Love, but you turned it into a distortion
Oh, my Heart-Breaker! You made me resort to caution

Now you made me realize what Love is.
But I'm glad I did not receive that Death Kiss.

What has happened, let it be.
Because God has released me, to be free.

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