Saturday, July 26, 2014


The time is near
Where I smell the essence of fear
Where children desire affection
But are given nothing short than disease and painful affliction

The time is close
Where there are no friends, but only foes
Where the old are regarded with no dignity or respect
But are driven out of their homes with nowhere to connect

The time is nigh
Where brothers bring upon war cries and burning flags soaring high
Where only the avengers are avenging
But the results bring about death tolls and no surviving

The time has come
Where deceiving leaders create lies to create nations whose senses have gone numb
Where justice ought to be deserving its rightful place
Has been snatched from the people and given a warrior's spiked mace

Time is at its end
For those who know it is time for ourselves to fend
To fend with words, with love, with peace and with unity
Divided we will fall, but together we will survive as one entity and that is humanity

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