Wednesday, August 13, 2014

You will be missed...

When you feel you're broken inside
When all you want to say to the world is goodnight
When you're ready to give up and cave in
When you've got your shoulders heavy with the world's sin

When all you want is a shoulder to lean on and cry
When all you want is to spread your wings and fly
When you've really had enough that you want to quit
When you've reached to the point where suicide is what you want to commit

Just know that you are a beautiful soul deep inside
That it is okay to cry and to have cried
There really is no shame in saying I am tired and weak
Just remember that the future is never too bleak

Just know that you don't have to go through it all alone
That you don't have to create a wall and stay in your zone
There are others that you can share your pain with
Just remember that God created a special you and will never consider you as filth

So my dear friends, here amongst us or up in the Heavens looking down on us
Before making a fatal decision remember that there is always the option to discuss

Life is not a game and not a tool to play
Don't make the rest of us miss you dearly for your life is too precious to throw away

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