Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mind Battles Spirit

As I peer into your forest green eyes
I catch a glimpse of your soul which is under a disguise
My spirit's heart skips a beat
To which it feels it must retreat.

But, nay there is an attractive force
To which my spirit wishes to seek the source
And thus a battle ensues
To which the mind and the spirit devise their own ruse

The mind errs the side of safety
To which the spirit resolves to adversity
The mind doesn't want to play dangerously
While the spirit wants to play recklessly

But ever since I peered into your secretive soul
I've been haunted by love's ghastly ghoul
As to which the mind's relentless tactics succumbs
And so the spirit's promising ways triumphs

Instead of a secretive soul, I now see a serene soul
And so to win your heart and soul will be my life's ultimate goal

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