Monday, June 15, 2015

The Many Forms of Love

Love. It comes in many forms
Love. It comes through emotional storms
Love. It comes through sitting still
Love. It comes through your skin's chill.
The many forms of love

Love. It comes through the past's reminiscence
Love. It comes through difficult patience
Love. It comes through the dead's grievance
Love. It comes through the forgiver's acceptance.
The many forms of love

Love. It comes through accepting a broken heart
Love. It comes through being able to have a fresh start
Love. It comes through giving compassion despite receiving rejection
Love. It comes through empathy despite being broken.
The many forms of love

Love. It comes through remaining strong for those who are dear
Love. It comes through performing an action despite your fear
Love. It comes through self-sacrifice for the greater good
Love. It comes through the things you do, but never knew you could.
The many forms of love

Love is often romanticized in cinema, novella and music
But more often than not, true love is much deeper and thick

Love comes in forms of respect, honour, sacrifice, compassion and empathy
When one is able to love such a way, their life becomes peaceful and heavenly

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