Sunday, May 31, 2015

Peace with Death

Death is a truth that is inevitable
Death is an entity that is intangible
Death is a feeling that has us in denial
Death is a thought that makes us fragile
With Death, there is Peace

Death is a concept that is foreign
Death is a reality that we chagrin
Death is viewed with much fear
Death is always near
With Death, there is Peace

Death is a state of eternal perfection
Death is a state of resurrection
Death is a state of tranquility
Death is a state of eternal stability
There is Peace with Death

With Death, there is ceaseless slumber
With Death, there is ceaseless satisfaction
With Death, there is ceaseless solicitude
With Death, there is ceaseless serenity
There is Peace with Death

We must come to terms with the arrival of our Death
For our time here is brief as we begin to breathe our last breath

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