Monday, July 20, 2015

The Four Seasons of Love

I was a mere young lad when I first met you
Our love was childish and very new
Who knew our love would grow
Through youthful play did our love begin to glow
It was the love of Spring

As our youth began to flourish
Our love began to nourish
I still remember our first kiss
That was the day I first received heavenly bliss
It was the love of Summer

As our love grew more secure
I became yours and you became my amour
As I became your man, you became my woman
From two separate souls, we unionized to one
It was the love of Fall

And so comes the time when our love reaches its climax
I begin to have many of our lovely flashbacks
When I reminisce, my soul delights with much glee
However, my only wish to God is for you to still be here with me
It is now the love of Winter...

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