Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bright Light, Bright Spirit

Why, oh why, do we allow the hatred have us dispersed?
Why, oh why, do we allow ourselves to be cursed?
Why, oh why, do we allow ourselves to be defeated?
Why, oh why, do we allow the Devil to have us cheated?

Fueling our anger brings us closer to our destruction
Fueling our hatred brings us closer to our nation's reduction
Fueling our pride brings us closer to our failures
Fueling our own demons brings them closer to be our slayers

Rid yourselves of your anger to bring you closer to salvation
Rid yourselves of your hatred to bring you closer to elevation
Rid yourselves of your pride to bring you closer to your reward
Rid yourselves of your demons to bring you closer to your Lord

Be the bright light in a dark room
Be the beautiful rose that comes out to bloom
Be the heat that cold souls desire
Be the person that would make the spirits of others rise higher

Anger only brings about more anger
Fire will only bring about more fire

Be not the rage to fuel war
Be the spirit that will make the world soar

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heavenly Maiden

I walk along the lonely woods where the cold air causes a drift
As I pass the shrubs, a howling wind causes the bare trees to shift
As I pass the bare trees, the dense canopy becomes darker
As I pass the dense canopy, the lost trails become harder

Deep within the lost trails, I am weak and afraid
I go down on my knees as I feel I have strayed
Out of the darkness appears my golden aid
A golden raven appears at the corner of a shade

It flutters a few paces down the trail
As I follow it, a new path unveils
Its radiance shines across the woods
As if separating the evil from the good

I continue to follow the radiance of the raven
As I discover an enlightened haven
A glowing maiden appears brushing her radiating hair
Her beauty radiating and pure that I could not help but stare

The maiden's presence saves my soul
Where it once was deep in Hell's hole

My spirit is now free to roam
Deep in her soul is now my home